D7.1 – Initial publication package

Initial publication package

Dissemination activities are considered of primary importance for the BigDataStack project Consortium since the impact of the project can only be meaningful if the achieved results are widely communicated to the public.


The target groups for the dissemination activities are divided into several equally important categories, including experts and key stakeholders in the area of:

  • Big data organizations and initiatives (BDVA, Open Source Initiative, think tanks, NGOs, etc.)
  • Entrepreneurs, ICT SMEs & Start-ups
  • Standardisation bodies
  • Open source projects and initiatives
  • Academia and research
  • Big Data PPP projects and other pertinent H2020 initiatives (including ICT14 & ICT15)
  • General public


Promoting BigDataStack’s Identity

This deliverable provides a description of the initial set of materials that have been produced so far to define and promote the project’s identity.


  • Section 3 provides information on the project branding and logo.
  • Online material is presented in Section 4, including the description of the website and the social media channels that are used not only to provide updates and news but also as a tool to promote event activities. 
  • Section 5 describes the BigDataStack monitoring system set-up to collect analytics for each of the dissemination channels and related Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). 
  • Section 6 reports the templates that have been developed to deliver and present project results and the collaboration tools adopted by the Consortium as a project development space and document management system.



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