D2.2 - Requirements & State of the Art Analysis – II

Requirements & State of the Art Analysis – II


This is the second version of a series of three deliverables specifying the stakeholder as well as technical (software and technology) requirements for BigDataStack.  In the requirements analysis shown in this document, a top-down approach is taken with respect to the user requirements, which have been collected through the BigDataStack use case providers. This is complemented with a bottom-up approach aiming to identify, collect, and analyse the rest of stakeholder requirements as well as technical requirements from BigDataStack technology providers.


Preparing for the deployment phase: redefining requirements & state of the art analysis

The analysis has produced measurable and unambiguous requirements, which inform and drive architectural and design decisions at different levels of the BigDataStack platform: capabilities, services and technologies. They will also be tracked against the research, architecture and implementation work during the project lifetime to ensure that the BigDataStack environment complexity is fully addressed and properly considered. To contextualize this analysis, this deliverable also introduces the state-of-the-art (baseline) technologies that may play a role in BigDataStack. In fact, such descriptions are a refinement of the internal joint report (with the architecture work) completed at M3 (and brought as-is from the previous version of the requirements specification, D2.1). Moreover, it does not simply state some state-of-the-art technologies but rather links them under the context of BigDataStack and what BigDataStack can get from them as a baseline. 


The main contribution (and difference) of this deliverable with respect to the first requirements specification (D2.1) is the following:

  1. Redefinition of GFT’s use case in the context of Smart Insurance instead of Intelligent Multi-Channel Baking 
  2. Redefinition of the stakeholder, system and technology requirements 
  3. A better explanation of the organization of the document 


Next steps

As new requirements and constraints are expected to emerge during the ongoing implementation and experimentation, the present requirements specification will be superseded by a new version (D2.3) at M22.



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