D3.1 – Scientific Report and Prototype Description - Y1

Scientific Report and Prototype Description - Y1


This deliverable presents Scientific Report and Prototype Description for the work carried out in the first year of the BigDataStack project,  related to the so-called Data-Driven Infrastructure Management capability of the BigDataStack platform. The document shows how the implementation of the solution is planned to be delivered following an incremental and iterative methodology, having cycles of implementation and experimentation. The document describes:

  1. the high-level assumptions and architecture of the capability, as well as detailed requirements, design and prototypes per component;
  2. the experimental use case scenarios and plans, as well as the experimental plan per component and its mapping with the use case scenarios.


Scientific Report and Prototype Description

The Scientific Report and Prototype Description is strongly related to the following past and immediately upcoming deliverables in the project:

  • D2.4 – Conceptual model and Reference architecture (M6). The description of the high-level architecture of BigDataStack as well as the interplay and integration between the main components. The architecture of the Data-Driven Infrastructure Management, as well as the design of the components, have been devised to fit into such a global architecture.
  • D2.2 – Requirements & State of the Art Analysis II (M11). The specification of BigDataStack requirements is centralized in this deliverable. This specification is a refinement of the first version delivered in D2.1 (M6). The architecture of the Data-Driven Infrastructure Management (DDIM), as well as the design of the components, have been devised to satisfy those requirements. 
  • D4.1 – WP4 Scientific Report and Prototype Description - Y1 (M11). The D3.1 makes references to some of the requirements and components which are designed, implemented and experimented with at WP4, while also the D4.1 references and raises requirements that are being described in the current document. In fact, the Data-Driven Infrastructure Management is meant to provide infrastructure services (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) to those components.
  • D5.1 – WP5 Scientific Report and Prototype Description - Y1 (M11). The D3.1 makes references to some of the requirements and components which are designed, implemented and experimented with at WP5; this is because the tools developed at WP5 will interact with the services and resources provided by the infrastructure to implement certain functionality supporting the different BigDataStack stakeholders.


Building upon and connecting the work carried out listed above, the Scientific Report and Prototype Description report is structured as follows: 

  • solution architecture of the data-driven infrastructure management capability of BigDataStack, including the assumptions made, the architecture vision, the related platform roles and the high-level design.
  • implementation and experimentation plan: starting with the experimental setting and plan, it finalizes with the implementation and experimentation roadmaps.
  • requirements specification, design description, use case mapping, prototype description and next steps elaboration for each of the five high-level components of the architecture:


  • Cluster Management
  • Dynamic Orchestration
  • ADS Ranking & Deploy 
  • Triple Monitoring & QoS Evaluation
  • Information-Driven Networking



Next steps

In addition to the high-level architecture of the solution, the report described the detailed specification of requirements, design, first prototype and experimentation plan per solution component. 


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