D7.4 – Dissemination and Standardisation

Dissemination and standardisation


WP7 Dissemination, Exploitation, Standardisation and Roadmapping provides a practical business model which the project’s stakeholders may effectively use with a roll-out plan to different target entities. With this aim in mind, an effective communication strategy is put in place. Facilitating and increasing the uptake of BigDataStack results, a specific task on standardisation was set in place. This task is realising the European Open Source Initiative that will aim at a high impact of the BigDataStack outcomes. 


Increasing awareness of the project and building the community in the first 18 months of BigDataStack 

Focusing on activities carried out to increase awareness of the project and to build a community of BigDataStack stakeholders. A series of horizontal activities have been carried out:

    BigDataStack’s website is live from February 2018 and forms the central channel for communication and engagement. It reflects all the activities and functionalities driven inside the project itself. 

    In order to align the overall brand identity and raise a unique awareness around BigDataStack’s brand, a set of items has been produced and shared for internal and external use. These include the logo, a list of identified colours and font, a set of MS Office templates (MS Word and Powerpoint), one general project flyer, one flier explaining each use case, one roll-up banner and a set of promotional videos with takes from our partners’ interviews.

    Linkedin, Twitter and Youtube profiles have been set up on behalf of the project to guarantee fast and widespread communication among our community. Social networks are constantly fed with high-quality, highly relevant content to reach stakeholders, build the community and gather inputs. A more informal and warm tone of voice has been adopted for these channels; thus, high technical content has been digested through a more comprehensible and appealing language to better engage with our audience.

  BigDataStack has been present at Research & Academia, Industry and Big Data ecosystem targeted events. Partners have shared BigDataStack results via digital and printed items of the communication kit, booths, panel discussions, paper and poster presentations. 

  A series of 3 workshops targeted at the end-users in the industries of the three use-cases will be organised to share the results and foster the uptake of the exploitable software components developed. Webinars help you remote connecting with real people. They are also less costly to organise compared to physical events with the same size audience (higher impact to cost ratio). Webinars are an effective and cost-efficient way to engage with target stakeholders. 

  The BigDataStack project and partners are building synergies to leverage on dissemination, exploitation and standardisation activities. Among the connections made are ICT-14 and ICT-15 projects, BDVA, Standardisation targeted projects and projects aimed at Start-Ups and SMEs working on Big Data. 


Towards the European Open Source Initiative

Regarding the standardisation strategy and activities, a key area of focus has been the European Open Source Initiative. Red Hat, leading all activities on standardisation, is one of the leading companies as regards to Open Source activities, being recognized worldwide for its contributions to Open Source Communities as well as open culture. In this context, the following activities took place:

  • Red Hat organized an extra “Research Day” at its annual summit “Bridging Between Research and Upstream Engineering”
  • To better align with the software standards in those communities we were present at the KubeCon & CloudNativeCon event
  • Partner Trust-IT Services attended the 26th Multi-Stakeholder Platform Meeting in June 2019 for the Research Data Alliance and StandICT project. The BigDataStack partner engaged with standardisation bodies, interesting for future liaising on future standardisation of BigDataStack results. 
  • BigDataStack partner NEC is currently applying “dynamic orchestrator” into FogFlow to show the benefit of adaptive orchestration of data-intensive IoT services. FogFlow is a fog computing framework that brings context information management to the edge of the networks. FogFlow is compliant with the NGSI standard utilized by FIWARE for context information management. 


Roadmap for Dissemination and Standardisation in the second half of the BigDataStack project

The project is now halfway through the second phase and is intensifying its dissemination, stakeholder engagement, activities on standardisation and connections to standardising bodies. Aiming at fostering the practical uptake of the BigDataStack results. In the latter 18 months of the BigDataStack project partners will:


  • Organise 3 industry workshop for end-users of the retail ecosystem, shipping industry and insurance sector to foster uptake BigDataStack results.
  • Facilitating and driving uptake through early trial testing, BigDataStack will organise 5 free trials targeted at the general public. 
  • Increase engagement with standardising bodies to align BigDataStack components with global standards and increase the uptake of BigDataStack components via standardisation.
  • Continue to expand the BigdataStack network of ICT14 and - 15 projects to strengthen impact via joint efforts in dissemination and stakeholder engagement.
  • Publish an additional 15 scientific papers on the project results achieved to raise awareness on the project’s results and finally foster uptake.
  • Publish an additional 10 non-scientific articles on external channels, on the project results achieved to raise awareness on the project’s results and finally foster uptake.
  • Fostering the uptake of the BigDataStack components, dissemination and standardisation will support the exploitation plans defined in D7.3 (M18)
  • A printed brochure guide will be created, concentrating on the first-year results, as well as a clear vision of the remainder of the project and its lasting impact beyond its run.
  • Organise one on-site demonstration for end-users to foster adoption of the BigDataStack software components and holistic solution. 
  • Record one demo for end-user audience and publication on Youtube and BigDataStack website.










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